We were born in 2000 with a simple and ambitious idea:
Helping young people from all over Europe to meet and collaborate on the common ground of intercultural dialogue and active citizenship.
Through the main international programs for mobility and education we have carried out youth exchanges, training courses, seminars, volunteer programs that have involved thousands of people in important individual growth paths. At the same time we have developed local projects for the enhancement of the territory in the name of a respectful globalization of identities.
Subsequently, faced with a global crisis whose terrible effects affected above all the new generations, we expanded our activities to collaboration with institutions, educational bodies and social actors. This led to large-scale projects in the fields of non-formal education and the transmission of transversal skills for access to the labor market. Projects that took place in partnership with the Autonomous Region of Sardinia, the Regional Employment Agency, ERSU – Regional Body for the Right to Education, Province of Cagliari, Municipality of Cagliari, University of Studies, Confesercenti.