Our presence and behavior in the digital world has to follow certain rules in order to protect our well-being and preserve privacy of our personal information. Every transaction that uses digital technologies needs to take under consideration practices that ensure our safety.
Watch the following video and ask your students to write down a list of services that leave a digital footprint. Discuss the implications.
Consider the impact of digital technologies on health, relationships and society. Look at your ability to use digital technologies positively, build relationships and networks, balance online and offline activities, and keep ourselves safe physically and virtually.
Read the following handbook about Being online, Well-being online and Rights online.
Digital citizenship education handbook
(Digital Citizenship Education Handbook_eng.pdf)
Many people today are using Social Media and have an online presence. The reasons vary and may include aspects of social or professional life.
Ask your students to make a list of the reasons that they keep an online profile.
After presenting their lists, discuss the dangers and the opportunities by being online and how their digital life connects with the physical world.
Many of the adult learners that we come across during teaching are parents as well.
Technology is a powerful tool that has forever changed the way we all interact. It’s not just about family movie night anymore: It’s about how kids socialize and learn, how families keep in touch, and the conversations we have (or don’t have) during dinner.
Watch the following video with your students and discuss the impact of technology in human relations.