Topic 3 Basic elements taken into consideration when adapting and/ or creating digital learning resources (specific learning objective, context, pedagogical approach, and learner group

When using digital resources, you can evaluate the impact of the use by looking into how munch it changes the learning settings. Some technologies works well in the learning activity, but the same activity could be held without using the technology. Other technologies alter the learning situation fundamentally and offers learners a whole new set of opportunities that would not be possible without the technology.

Dr. Ruben Puentedura has made a model to evaluate the impact of using technologies in learning situations. The SAMR model is a framework that categorizes four different degrees of classroom technology integration. The letters “SAMR” stand for Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition.

The model is a framework that categorizes four different degrees of classroom technology integration. The letters “SAMR” stand for Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition.

Dr. Ruben Puentedura’s blog:

The SAMR explained:

The SAMR model is made up of four steps:

Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition.

Substitution and Augmentation are considered “Enhancement” steps, while Modification and Redefinition are termed “Transformation” steps.

It is not always a bad idea to “only” enhance the learning activity – the model does not say that you should avoid activities with technologies categorized as first level of impact.


At this stage, technology is directly substituted for an analog one. The technology is a simple, direct replacement of the analog.

If the learners read a document on a website the website substitute a printed document.


The technology is again directly substituted for an analog one, but with significant enhancements to the learner experience.

An online text document could here include links to video explanations and other resources.  


In this stage, the usage of technology are beginning to move from enhancement to transformation. Instead of replacement or enhancement, this is an actual change to the design of the lesson and its learning outcome.

A group of learners could here work together on a cloud based presentation that not only include multimedia but also merge them and maybe endorse the other learners to be activated.


The last stage of the model is Redefinition and represents how technology can transform a student’s experience in ways that could not be done without the usage of technology.

The learners cloud based presentation might endorse the other learners to be activated. This inclusion or cooperation could even involve submitters from outside the classroom – such as other learners, other organizations or citizens.  

Dr. Ruben Puentedura explains the SAMR model (6:53 min)

Look in pdf from Dr. Ruben Puentedura and the examples on learning activities from the four stages in the SAMR model.

Reflect on the examples and compare them with your possibilities to evolve your own teaching methodology by the use of digital tools

Find some examples of digital

learning activities – both ones you

have designed yourself and some

from publishers: Try to ask:

  • What will I gain by replacing the task with new tech?
  • Does the tech add new features that improves the task?
  • Does the task significantly change with the use of tech?
  • Does the tech allow creation of new task previously unconceivable?

Brain storm and write down some of the learning technologies and their pedagogically use. Try to evaluate them in the SAMR framework: are the activity a

  • Substitution
  • Augmentation
  • Modification
  • Redefinition

Examples :




We examined the great Dr. Ruben Puentedura who have made the SAMR model. Here the first two levels; Substitution and Augmentation can enhance the learning when the next two Modification and Redefinition can transform the learning to something that could not be done without the digital resources. We took a brainstorm with the 4 levels applied to our own praxis.