Engaged learners are motivated, inspired, and willing to invest effort in learning. In other words, they are a dream to teach. Luckily, while there are almost as many barriers to learner engagement as there are benefits, they can be eliminated with a few smart learner engagement strategies.
“I hear and I forget; I see and I remember; I do and I understand,” – Confucius
The fundamental concept of active learning is to advance the learning experience of learners and the teaching experience of instructors. In order to achieve this aspects, some examples of usable techniques are:
1.Collaborative learning
2.Discussion methods: discussion, case study, and brainstorming
3.Role play
4.Games involving simulation of imaginary situations
5.Problem-based teaching
6.Projects (individual or group)
7.Peer teaching
9.Short demonstrations followed by class discussion, etc.
Integrating the above-listed active learning methods in the instructional process based on the nature and contents of the course will make the student’s learning successful and competent.
Using different active learning strategies properly, inside and outside the classroom is very important specifically for the learners as, while performing them, they would develop the following abilities:
Discussion or speaking with other learners, in a small group or with the whole class
Providing and receiving feedback
5 simple ways to engage and motivate learners
Thys 5 ways can make a huge difference to boosting a learner’s enthusiasm for new knowledge and skills. What’s great about these tactics is that they can be applied across different courses. These learner engagement tips can be considered as best practices for motivating every learner, no matter the type of training content.
Learners perform better when they know what exactly is expected of them. Setting and communicating clear learning goals in a language that they can relate to is one of the key learner engagement strategies for capturing an audience’s attention right from the start.
Understanding your learners’ development needs and how they relate to the big picture is an important first step. Light testing can help determine the gap between current skill levels and those required by curriculum standards.
Invest some time in understanding the unique needs of each learner. In any eLearning course, there should be some overlap between the goals of a course and the personal goals of the learner. For example, a communications course should take into account the personal goals of a learner who seeks to improve their self-confidence in high-pressure communication scenarios, such as salary negotiations.
To really encourage learners to invest emotionally in the course from the get-go, consider opening the course with a personal goal-setting activity. For instance, learners could be asked to outline their expectations of their upcoming learning experience.
Convenience is no longer just a nice-to-have. Today, keeping learners engaged and motivated is a necessity. A quality LMS (Learning Management Strategy) is one of the most important tools for creating courses that can be accessed anytime, anywhere.
Create an LMS through which you can ensure both inclusion as well as personalization of content, while providing access to learning material on mobile devices, both online and offline. Combining a quality LMS with just-in-time learning principles that focus on giving learners what they need, when they need it most, can be a powerful learner engagement strategy.
Structure content in small, manageable chunks that are easy to digest. Then, consider the types of quick-access resources that learners want to engage with frequently. These could be templates, tools, short videos, checklists or even infographics that summarize a procedure.
Do the same with assessment activities. When an assessment takes less than fifteen minutes to complete, completion rates always increase.
Boredom is a catalyst for causing learners to be disengaged. Stop learners from losing interest in a course by using active engagement strategies. Deliver learning content that is creative and fun to interact with. Just remember that fun is a means to an end, not the end goal itself.
Content formats that keep learners coming back for more include infographics, short, sharp video content, and scenario-based training activities that simulate real-life high-stakes decisions.
Combine creative learning material with microlearning principles to deliver the most important content up front (do not make learners dig for it), and refer learners to quality online resources, like YouTube videos.
As far as learner engagement strategies go, acknowledging the effort learners have invested in learning looks like an obvious choice. But how often is it actually applied?
Start by understanding the things that motivate and inspire learners to keep bettering themselves. Is it a friendly competition with peers? Is it a personal progress bar that provides a visible measure of improvement from one assessment to the next? Or is it, perhaps, acknowledgment from the course instructor or a subject-matter expert?
Leaderboards, badges, and certificates are simple but effective ways to incorporate reward cycles into learning experiences.
One learner engagement tactic is to offer a badge for each activity or piece of content completed. Another is to use a leaderboard to showcase high achievers. Certificates can be the most meaningful of rewards when it comes to motivating adults to learn, because they not only want to build their skills, but also to have something to show for it. Consider how completion and achievement can be acknowledged through certificates. If possible, have certificates signed by an authority figure, such as the instructor, a higher education institution, or the CEO.
Take acknowledgement a step further by having instructors share learner success stories in a meeting or through a short video. Here, they can highlight insightful observations made by learners, remarkable improvements, and other noteworthy achievements.
Many of the common barriers to learning can be resolved with improved communication. Design courses so that open communication channels are prioritized from the start and make sure that learners understand how to use them. Design these channels to allow feedback and opinions to be shared and make clear that each opinion is valued and heard.
As a strategy to promote learner engagement, online communication can involve casual group discussions, guided peer learning or informal spaces for asking questions. Both structured conversations (e.g., instructor-led) and unstructured conversations (e.g., learner-initiated) can contribute to a sense of community and open communication.