Nevertheless, these skills are not often taught explicitly in an education environment: this means that many learners lack independence, motivation, persistence and a positive sense of well-being: the role of the educators is to make up for this lack by teaching learners how, when and why use SRL strategies in their learning experiences.
Self-Regulated Learning
“Although learners maintain primary responsibility in self-regulated learning process, educators must reconsider their role in facilitate this process (…) External feedback is primarily generated by the educator and it should prompt students to reassess or re adjust their behaviors to align them with anticipated results” (Barber, Bagsby, Grawitch, & Buerck, 2011).
Do you remember….
How can be divided the self-regulated learning experience?
Forethought, Performance, Reflection (Zimmerman) + Understanding (Winne).
In your opinion…
What the self-regulated learner is able to do after realizing a mistake during his performance?
He/she is able to reflect and reorganize the learning strategy. Normally, the self-regulated learner takes the opportunity to learn by the mistake.
Your experience…
As an educator, what do you think could be difficult in teaching SRL strategies to learners?
Possible answers: 1. Time: need for more time to carry out this type of activity. 2. The fact that learners start from different levels of self-regulation learning already acquired or never acquired and this fact entails the difficulty to develop individual strategies adapted to each student. 3. The distance learning that today risks accentuating the different levels of self-regulation learning among students.
Tell me a number…
From 1 to 5, how important do you think it is to manage your emotions in order to learn better?
The Self-regulation of feeling and emotions is a fundamental part of the SRL and it allows to reach the goals and to achieve a successful learning.
Self-Regulation Skills: Why They Are Fundamental
This topic was focused on the basic steps of the procedure of the self regulated learning. The topic underline what is the role of the educators in the process, underlining the importance to teach learners how, when and why use SRL strategies in their learning experiences.