Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) emerged as a means of learning and instruction that can foster the social nature of learning using a variety of technological and pedagogical strategies. CSCL is built on the premise that collaborative knowledge construction and problem solving can effectively be assisted by technology.
Learning has always been assisted by tools and technologies, but the recent proliferation of digital technologies makes the role of those tools even more critical.
Modern researchers noted the fundamental roles of external representations and tools in carrying out cognitive functions. These realizations helped CSCL researchers make the distinction between learning “with” and “from” computers, and focused the development of tools that can amplify, extend, and enhance what learner groups and communities understand and do in the process of learning and solving problems (Kirschner & Erkens, 2006).
“Self-regulated learning concerns learners’ beliefs about their capability to engage in appropriate actions, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in order to pursue valuable academic goals, while self- monitoring and self-reflecting on their progress toward goal-completion” (Zimmerman, 2002)
Acting on these three areas, SRL influences the learner’s behaviour, specifically the ability to choose and create an environment that stimulates an optimal learning.
Self-regulated Learning allows to:
How Self-regulated learning is acquired
EXPLICITLY – learner acquires the method by educators who explicitly teach the SRL strategies (rare situation)
IMPLICITLY – learners acquires the method by themselves by dint of trying,making mistakes and independently modifying their learning method, or by the educators who implicitly teach the strategies (common situation).
Your experience… Who among you has already abandoned a learning experience because you did not feel motivated enough or because you believed it was too difficult? Can you share with your colleagues your experiences?
The example could be a language or a sport learning, or any other practice in front of which you discouraged and gave up. Common causes: lack of motivation, lack of confidence in one’s learning abilities, a too high perceived level of difficulty… Often these are consequences of the difficulty in identifying and enjoying small improvements and this happens because a planning phase has never been implemented.
Is there any self-regulated learning method you acquired at school or in any other context, even if in a non-explicit way? Discuss it with your colleagues
An example is be the “Mind Map” in order to organize ideas or the “Pomodoro Technique” in order to manage time…
This topic was an introduction to the concept of “Self regulated learning”, giving its definition, providing an overview of its main components, what it could be useful for and how it could be acquired. The topic describe how Self regulated learning can influence the learner’s behaviour, specifically the ability to choose and create an environment that stimulates an optimal learning.