Topic 1 Benefits of Training and Further Education

In this new digital era, it is fundamental to further educate and train oneself about new digital tools and their proper usage and management. This topic focuses on

  • The benefits and possibilities of training digital competences
  • Evaluating one’s digital competences
  • Struggles in learning about digital tools
  • Reasons for problems of application of digital tools.

Digital competences consist of five skill areas:

1 – Information and data literacy: Handling digital data, information and content; identifying the relevance and reliability of information and sources.

2 – Communication and collaboration: Digital interaction and being aware of possible cultural differences and diversity; how to present and interact digitally.

3 – Digital content creation: Creating and editing digital content; Copyright and legal framework; giving instructions for others.

4 – Safety: Protect devices and personal data and information; Take care of personal health and well-being regarding digital technologies.

5 – Problem Solving: Address needs and problems with digital environments and technologies; being able to find solutions for problem with digital tools; keeping up-to-date with digital development.

(The Digital Competence Framework 2.0,

Despite this listing of digital competences, many people still struggle with comprehending all aspects of digital competency. Digital competences do not just include how easy someone uses the internet or how often someone uses digital tools. Digital competences also revolve around safe handling and being aware of the legal framework behind digital tools and the internet. It also includes how easy someone handles finding solutions for problems with digital tools. Whether they find solutions online or already know them, does not necessarily make a difference.

Another debate topic is the area of “Safety”. Many people do not even know how much information and data about them is “online”. Digital safety is not just a topic for children and adolescents but also for adults. It is never bad to be safe.

Digital Competences Wheel

Test your Digital Competences and find out more about what you are good and what could be improved.

Stay at Home Digital Toolkit

Digital tools supporting the evaluation of digital competences.

What are digital competences?

Materials: White paper

  1. a) The participants sort communication scenarios/procedures into “this applies to me/this does not apply to me” and define if they are digital or offline.
  2. b) The participants sort benefits/features and challenges of online and offline communication into two columns (4 columns in total)

The participants are sorted into 5 pairs/groups, each of them researching an area of digital competences. After 20 minutes research, they are asked to present the competences area and explain what it consists of in their own words.

This will allow the participants to understand what each competences area really entails.

The trainer should pay attention to whether the content is explained in a simple manner and understood well. If the participants still seem to struggle with the content, the trainer should ask the presenting participants to explain it again in a simpler manner.

Digital identity

Materials: White paper sheet (e.g., flipboard)

The participants are asked to think about what they think is digital identity and what it consists of. They can write down their ideas on the white paper. Afterwards, the group reflects on their answers and whether they agree with all the named aspects of digital identity or if they would add other content. After the initial discussion, the trainer officially explains digital identity and lets the group reflect on it:

Digital identity includes all information you leave on the internet. Whether it is from buying something, social media accounts, an email account or even just your search history.

The trainer should promote online safety but also make the participants aware of possible ways to protect themselves online and not support any possible theories regarding personal data and fake news or conspiracy theories floating around online.

Being able to evaluate one’s digital competences and knowing when additional training is needed, is a fundamental skill in the new digital era. This topic introduces sources and materials to recognize one’s digital skills, as well as showing how much information and knowledge is connected to digital competences.