Module 5: Empowering learners
Unit 1 Accessibility and Inclusion
5 Topics
1 Quiz
Topic 1 What does accesibility and inclusion refer to?
Topic 2 How does one use accesibility and inclusion technology in education?
Topic 3 How does one account for special needs learners?
Topic 4 What to consider when designing an equal acces in education strategy?
Assessment of Learning Content of Unit 1
Unit 2 Differentiation and personalization
5 Topics
1 Quiz
Topic 1 What does personalization refer to?
Topic 2 How can technology enhance the personalized learning process?
Topic 3 How to include education technology in the classroom?
Topic 4 How to design a Personalized Learning Strategy?
Assessment of Learning Content of Unit 2
Unit 3 Actively engaging learners
5 Topics
1 Quiz
Topic 1 What is a difference between a learner and a student?
Topic 2 What are the usable learner engagement techniques?
Topic 3 What tools can we use to actively engage learners?
Topic 4 What to keep in mind when planning to create learners instead of learners?
Assessment of Learning Content of Unit 3
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Module 5: Empowering learners
Unit 2 Differentiation and personalization
Dabae Lee, Indiana University: How to Personalize Learning in K-12: Five Essential Design Features
International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), 5 Guiding Principles of Edtech Selection
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