Western Balkans Institute

About Us

WEBIN is a regional organization fostering a greater degree of cooperation in the region and in relation to sectoral policies of interest and European integration issues. WEBIN works in the field of social and economic policies focusing on education, employment, public health and social inclusion while promoting gender equality and good governance.

WEBIN accomplishments contribute to strengthening of civil society and local economic development. WEBIN activities are oriented toward: the citizens of the Western Balkans countries for the purposes of enhancing their education, awareness, and participation in decision-making processes; national, regional, and local authorities, and other institutions for providing professional support; EU institutions for consultation and information dissemination;

WEBIN operates in accordance with principle of sustainable development. Environment protection policy is integrated into all WEBINs policies and activities.

WEBIN was registered in 2011 in the Republic of Serbia as an association pursuant to the provisions stipulated in the Law on Associations from 2009, and is based in Belgrade. Until 2013 it was known as the Western Balkans Socio-Economic Center (WB-SEC).