Module 2: Digital resources
Unit 1 Selecting digital resources
8 Topics
1 Quiz
Topic 1 Introduction to search strategies for digital resources and importance in the learning process
Topic 2 Factors that affect the selection of digital resources
Topic 3 Pedagogical criteria used for the selection of tools, applications and other digital resources for a given learning context
Topic 4 Possible restrictions when using or re-using digital resources (e.g. copyright, file type, technical requirements, legal provisions, accessibility)
Topic 5 Digital tools and applications for teacher presentations and learner’s active involvement in producing, discussions, and sharing
Topic 6 Ways to measure the learner’s level of competencies in using digital technologies
Topic 7 Equity and accessibility and measures taken to apply them successfully
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Unit 2 Creating and modifying digital resources
5 Topics
1 Quiz
Topic 1 The basics on intellectual rights and licenses of new technologies
Topic 2 How to modify and / or edit existing digital resources to fit a given learning situation and target group
Topic 3 Basic elements taken into consideration when adapting and/ or creating digital learning resources (specific learning objective, context, pedagogical approach, and learner group
Topic 4 How to work effectively with others so as to create digital educational resources
Assessment of Learning Content of Unit 2
Unit 3 Managing, protecting and sharing digital resources
8 Topics
1 Quiz
Topic 1 Introduction to the European General Data Protection Regulation (G.D.P.R.)
Topic 2 How to use and share sensitive data (students’ grades, exams)
Topic 3 Basic knowledge on how to navigate in various online environment taking precautions concerning cybersecurity
Topic 4 Innovative technologies and tools linked to data security
Topic 5 How to organize a repository of educational digital resources
Topic 6 Different ways in sharing resources with others (e-mails, online platforms, websites/ blogs etc..) and benefits
Topic 7 Elements to take in account when sharing resources (references, copyright restrictions)
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Unit 1 Selecting digital resources
Module 2: Digital resources
Unit 1 Selecting digital resources
Source: DigiCompEdu
Lesson Content
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Topic 1 Introduction to search strategies for digital resources and importance in the learning process
Topic 2 Factors that affect the selection of digital resources
Topic 3 Pedagogical criteria used for the selection of tools, applications and other digital resources for a given learning context
Topic 4 Possible restrictions when using or re-using digital resources (e.g. copyright, file type, technical requirements, legal provisions, accessibility)
Topic 5 Digital tools and applications for teacher presentations and learner’s active involvement in producing, discussions, and sharing
Topic 6 Ways to measure the learner’s level of competencies in using digital technologies
Topic 7 Equity and accessibility and measures taken to apply them successfully
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